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How to Take Care of Your Septic Tank

Septic tanks are still common in rural areas, and not everyone knows how to take care of their septic tank. Septic tank failure can cause very expensive damages and a very stinky cleanup process. So staying on top of maintenance, and being aware of what you should and should not be doing in your home can save you from these worries. 

You may or may not be aware of these habits and preparations. That is why this article will help cover everything you need to know to stay prepared and avoid catastrophe. Moreover, with the winter season upon us, there are some additional points you should be aware of. Winter means can make things trickier to manage, but if you follow along, you will find out everything you need to know to be prepared for winter.

Let’s get started.

    Routine Inspections Can Save You

If you have had a septic tank for some time, you should be aware that they require routine inspections. A professional inspection will help discover the sludge and scum layers in your septic tank. As well as making sure everything is structurally sound, with no leaks. However, if you have more than just a conventional septic tank, this will of course vary. This is because some septic tanks have computer systems and various additional features. In these cases, it is best to get your septic tank inspected at least once a year. By having routine inspections, you can rest easy knowing that your septic tank is well maintained, and any problems that can cause failure and damages will be caught before they become a catastrophe. 

    Be Mindful of Your Water Usage

As you most likely know, all the water your household uses eventually goes to your septic tank. This includes the use of toilets, showers, sinks, washing machines, and dishwashers. The average person in a household uses roughly 60 to 100 gallons of water every day. With all that water being processed from everyone every day, your septic tank will reflect that usage. If you overwork your septic tank or have things that are leaking water consistently into your tank such as a draining toilet, your septic tank may be under too much stress. This can, of course, lead to breaks and overflows. Therefore, it is in your best interest to limit and manage your water usage. Either limiting your usage or using efficient appliances can make a huge difference and cause less stress on your septic tank. Using things like a water-efficient toilet, high-efficiency shower heads, and smaller laundry loads can go a long way.   

Toilets Aren’t Trash Cans

Be mindful of your waste. Err on the side of caution when you are flushing, draining, or disposing of things that reach your septic tank. Your septic tank meets everything you put in the garbage disposal, toilet, shower, sink, and shower. Therefore, there are things you should be sure don’t make their way down there. To make things easy, only flush human waste and toilet paper. That’s it! Of course, garbage disposals take on a ton of organic matter which will naturally decompose. However, things like cooking grease and oil will negatively affect your piping and septic systems. Moreover, harsh chemicals and cleaners can also negatively affect the biological environment in your septic tank which decomposes human waste. So be careful not to drain volatile or harmful chemicals down drains. The list of things you shouldn’t flush is seemingly endless, so we will save you the time by simplifying things. Only decomposable waste, human waste, and toilet paper should be making their way to your septic tank.

    When Winter Hits

When the winter season comes around, there are some things you can do to help protect and maintain your septic system. For starters, you can avoid freezing by adding a layer of mulch or straw over the ground above your septic tank. This will help add some insulation for pipes and systems below ground. Use warm water over cold water to keep things flowing properly as well. Moreover, if you plan on leaving for a week or more, have someone routinely check up on things and make sure water is flowing properly. Moreover, you could consider the installation of a septic tank heater which adds an extra layer of warmth. 

That About Wraps Things Up

There you have it, four valuable tips to keep in mind if you want to avoid disaster. An improperly maintained and used septic system can lead to various issues. You could see backups of water and waste filling your home, and see your septic tank itself fail and leak into your yard. Not only are these expensive, but they can take time to fix. This means you could be left without the ability to use water in your home until everything is fixed. Moreover, even small leaks can lead to the buildup of molds which can affect the health of everyone living inside. Hopefully, this helps prepare you enough to avoid any kind of troubles with your septic tank. Thank you for reading.

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