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Let’s Talk About Vacuum Trucks!

We use some incredible technology for our vacuum truck services, and we would like to share some of the wonderful features of our trucks. Vacuum trucks may be something you are familiar with or just something you have driven past on the road. Have you ever wondered how they actually work? What their limits are? Or why they are needed?

These questions and more will be answered in our article. So if you are here to learn more, let’s get into it! There is a lot to cover but we will make it easy to understand. Hopefully by the end of this, you walk away with an enlightened perspective of the value behind vacuum trucks.

How does a vacuum truck work?

First, we need to cover what a “vacuum” is. A vacuum is created when a space has a lower pressure than the external atmospheric pressure. Matter naturally wants to fill it’s space. Gases, solids, and liquids all act somewhat differently but still oblige to the laws of physics. 

For example, when you drink through a straw, you use suction from your lips and create an empty space within your mouth. This empty space naturally seeks to equalize pressure. With gravity and the forces of atmospheric pressure, liquid is pushed up the straw to equalize the pressure inside your mouth. 

Additionally, you could look at a vacuum cleaner. Fans pull air outside the vacuum compartment forcing atmospheric pressure to suck into a vacuum nozzle. This pulls in the air and particles from the open end of the vacuum to fill the container with lower pressure. 

Much like drinking through a straw or using a vacuum cleaner, our vacuum trucks work similarly. Vacuum trucks however, deal with very high pressure and fine tuned systems to ensure safety. Since they are used for large amounts of waste liquids, the attention to detail and safety is key. 

Vacuum trucks use a primary and secondary release valves to manage and operate the system. This is used to create extremely low pressure within the tank to suck up liquids with enough force. This is something you don’t want to be attached to. 

What does it take to operate a vacuum truck?  

A skilled professional of course! There are some particular qualifications needed to operate these trucks, and a set of skills to properly maintain and monitor them. These skills and qualifications are used to run diagnostics, maintenance, repair, and operation. This includes applications in storm-water management, oil/sand interceptors, septic tanks, sewer lines, and more. 

Having the proper education and licensing is crucial to maintaining safety, efficiency, and effectiveness. It additionally takes an understanding from an engineering perspective to operate this equipment as well. Depending on the various applications of a vacuum truck, problems may arise which require a firm understanding to solve. 

When calculating a problem, variables include:

  • Viscosity of liquid

  • Length of hose

  • Leaks

  • Flow rate

  • Density

  • Elevation

  • Hose size

There could be some we missed as well. Just know it takes an expert to operate this effectively. That is why we pride ourselves on thorough inspections, maintenance, quality control, and safety inspections. 

When do you need a vacuum truck?

With the versatility of vacuum trucks, they see many different uses across the field. In commercial/industrial use, the main goal may be transferring liquids such as water or oil from one site to another. In residential instances, they may be used to clean up spilled waste water in a septic system. 

Vacuum trucks are great for in-taking and transporting liquids, even if they are thick/viscous. This opens many gateways for practical use in various circumstances. We see a fair amount of use to help municipal sewer systems as well. 

One of the concerns in communities is human waste disposal. Vacuum trucks have the ability to handle, transport, and manage this waste fast and efficiently. Therefore, they are a leading contributor to alleviating the concerns of handling human waste when there is a spill, leak, or compromises within our waste management systems. 

What kind of trucks do we use?

Westech is a leading innovator in vacuum trucks. We proudly use their state-of-the-art equipment in our services. Their design and engineering is thoroughly tested and analyzed. Ensuring safety and effectiveness through meticulous analysis makes them stand out as a reliable choice. 

With strict quality control, there is little room for error. This helps push the limits of the capacity and function of their trucks. With equipment that is reliable and effective, we use the best of the best. Avoiding the headaches of failed systems is key to saving money and time. We are dealing with messy stuff, and it’s our job to keep things clean and smooth. 

With the help of Westech, we offer reliable service to clean up unwanted spills and transport all that waste. 

Do you need a vacuum truck?

If you or your company is in need of vacuum truck services, we are happy to help! Our service area spans across southern Alberta. Simply contact us today and meet our wonderful team who is happy to help.

With the versatility of vacuum trucks, they find numerous applications in municipal and private circumstances. Simply ask us more about it if there is anything we didn’t cover. There is a ton of technical jargon we could cover in order to fully explain how the science works. However, that makes most people’s eyes glaze over. 

That’s why we are here to make it simple and easy to understand. By simple, we mean, you don’t have to worry about a thing. That’s because you have the experts on your side, ready and able to handle the task! 

Thank you for reading, we hope this helped you learn a bit more about how these interesting trucks operate. If there is anything you would like to learn more about, leave us a comment below, or contact us today.

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