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Your Septic System is Important

Having a properly maintained septic system can save you lots of money! The reduction and elimination of most human health / environmental threats posed by pollutants not properly maintained by drainage systems are key. So if you are looking for the optimal solution to your septic waste systems, contact Sanatec today!

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What Can Septic Monitoring Do for You?

This is the innovative smart solution for septic tanks which allows you to remotely monitor your tank! Save money by preventing problems before they literally rise. Keep everything working, and keep the money in your pocket.


The battery enabled device provides access to accurate tank level data via an intelligent web-based portal. Ideal for septic holding tanks, septic monitoring is perfect for commercial, residential, industrial, and municipal applications.


What is a Septic System?

A septic system is a private sewage treatment system, commonly used in rural areas where there is no municipal sewage systems to hook to. All septic systems require careful attention to design, construction, operation and maintenance. Communal system layouts can be created for larger developments such as trailer parks.

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(403) 548-7300
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